Shout Out – Perunfest

I decided to record this episode after spending most of the weekend at Perunfest. I hope to spread the word about this festival of fantasy, fairy tales, and forgotten folk believes. Usually, this festival takes place in the last days of May/first days of June. This year, that wasn’t possible due to the Covid pandemic. I know this reason is self-understanding at the moment, but I am emphasizing this because I like to imagine someone listening to this episode a few years from now without a single clue why would anyone postpone a festival unless it has something to do with the weather 🙂

The weather forecast for the Perunfest weekend wasn’t perfect either. But I guess the organizers decided to risk it since the main topic was creatures from the local folklore connected to – thunderstorms. You might say it was a good test of whether or not the festival would please them.

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News – Full Year Since the Zagreb Earthquake

Listen to the episode or scroll down to read the text:

Croatia owes its beauty to the powerful forces of nature. But every now and then, those forces come to collect their debt. We all hoped we wouldn’t meet those forces in our lifetimes, but boy were we wrong.

Last year was tough, I think we can all agree on that. These days, more and more people are even finding good sides to 2020. But being there, taking it one day at a time, the uncertainty, the fear, the changes, the impossibility to plan anything till the last day, the getting-used-to all that…. it’s incredible how, at the same time, things have turned upside down overnight and haven’t really changed much after all.

Dealing with 2020 was hard enough. Yet, there were places on this Earth where all Hell broke loose. As you know, I happen to live in one of those places – divine Croatia.

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Shout Out – Dark Tales of Medieval Dubrovnik

Just the other day, I finally tried the online experience called Dark Tales of Medieval Dubrovnik.

I have been following the host Marija ever since she started her Haunted Dubrovnik and other mysterious tours of Dubrovnik a few years ago and was planning to join one of her live tours but I just haven’t had the chance to travel to Dubrovnik since. I was so excited when I heard about her online experience and had a chance to participate a few days ago.

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